Thursday, January 24, 2013

Short sleeve sweater and bonnet.

          This is a sweater and bonnet I made from a crochet book and yarn that I got for Christmas.  It took me about 24 hours to make it. The yarn is sensations cuddle and it is turquoise. The book I got the pattern from is called sweet baby crochet. The bonnet is with the same yarn and from the same book. There is a ribbon running threw the sweater and a little daisy on the top with 2 yellow buttons.


Sweater and bonnet


Top of sweater

bottom of sweater stitch.

Hope to be posting again soon.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crochet doll and outfit

This is a doll and clothes I made from a pattern book I got for Christmas. She is about 13-14 inches long, has tiny buttons for eyes and brown yarn for hair. Her headband was chained with a flower on it, the skirt has 4 tiny buttons going down the side, and the shirt has 2 larger  buttons in the middle.  She was the first doll I have ever made. After her I made 2 little babies but I do not have a picture of those.
                                                    dolls whole body and outfit
                                                 close up of face and headband
                                                              her little shoes
Well that is all hope to be posting again soon,
Thank you for looking !